Willow Weaving Courses

I offer willow weaving courses and workshops where you can make baskets and willow structures. I also run themed workshops such as willow for the garden or Christmas decorations or sculptures.

On every course you will learn many traditional basket making techniques and discover some interesting new words like slath, slewing, randing and wale.

Even better you will have made at least one willow basket or structure to take home with you.

All materials and tools are provided, but if you have a favourite sharp pair of secateurs and a strong penknife do bring them along.

There will also be books and photographs for you to browse through and worksheets which you can take home.

As places are limited, it is advisable to book early.

Willow for the garden

Make your own garden structures to support and enhance your garden - wigwams, fans, trellis and small hurdles.

For further details and an up to date course list, contact Norah.


Basket making

Weave your own basket in beautiful colours of willow and learn some of the history and folklore of willow and baskets. On a one day course you can expect to complete a small round basket suitable for fruit or vegetables.

For further details and an up to date course list, contact Norah.



Bend and twist the willow into butterflies, chickens, swans, piglets and scarecrows

For further details and an up to date course list, contact Norah.

PhotosWillow for Christmas

Put away the tinsel and fairy lights and come and make your own willow decorations - garlands, hearts, stars, wands, Christmas trees, spheres, cornucopias, mince pie platters and even an angel.

For further details and an up to date course list, contact Norah






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